Dave Cartawick and his colleagues from Unit 1 Fitness & Martial Arts have shown their support for CSALS by completing the free online first aid course provided in partnership with Virtual College.

Dave acknowledges the importance of first aid skills, saying: “I think it’s really important to have that knowledge.

“Our lead instructors in Lancashire and Yorkshire, together with Unit 1 in Chesterfield and others in Derbyshire, have all done the course. We’re also going to feed it out to the rest of our members.”

Although the instructors have all received first aid training previously, Dave points out the value of using the course as a refresher.

“It’s about two-and-a-half-years since we did our last first aid course so you do the online course and it just reminds you of things,” he said.

“I will probably do this on a relatively regular basis just to keep up to speed with everything.”

Dave urges anyone who has not done the course to give it a go.

He said: “It’s a no-brainer becauuse it takes about one hour of your time and you can pause it and come back to it. Do it!”

Please click here to register for the course.

*Dave Cartawick is pictured with the downloaded certificate he received after completing the course.