In her latest blog, Lesley Ord reveals there is interest far and wide in the free online first aid course provided by CSALS in association with Virtual College…

I was told recently that this year we have people who have completed our free ‘Prepared to Save a Life’ course from as far away as the Republic of Kiribati (see image below). I had to look it up – it’s in the Pacific Ocean.

Learners also hail from Kenya and Ouagadougou (see below), a country in West Africa (pronounced wag-a-doo-goo). And a little closer to home, just a little, we have Spain, Germany and Ireland.

That’s fantastic. It feels like we are really making a difference. One of those people gave feedback that they nearly lost a close friend following a medical emergency.

They were encouraged to do a first aid course to feel better prepared should anything like that happen again. Having done the course, they feel much more confident.

Are you prepared for that eventuality? Why not take just an hour and join others from around the world (feels great to say that) and do the free online ‘Prepared to Save a Life’ course. You will even get a certificate.

A total of 221 people completed the course in September, making the total over 7,600, which is really encouraging. We cannot wait to hit the 10,000 mark!

We are starting to get schools involved, which is great to see.

The more people we can encourage to do the course, the more potential life-savers there will be, which can only be a good thing.

If you do the course, please drop us a message or email to let us know how you found it… even with a photo of you proudly holding your certificate, something that we can post on our Facebook page.

Go to to register and access the course.

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